How to Get Free Members to Your Telegram Group

Do you want to grow your Telegram group fast and easy? Do you want to reach more potential customers, followers or fans for your business, brand or niche? If yes, then you need TelegramScraper v1.4, a tool that can help you add so many members from any group to your own group in less than two minutes.

TelegramScraper v1.4 is a Python script by AbirHasan2005 in Github that can scrape user data from any Telegram group and save it as a CSV file. You can then use this file to send bulk SMS messages to the scraped users or add them to your own group with just one command.

But before you get excited and start using this tool, there are some things you need to know. First of all, this tool is only for educational purposes and not for spamming or harassing other users. You could be banned from Telegram if you abuse this tool or violate their terms of service. So be careful and use it responsibly.

Download TelegramScraper v1.4 From Github

Download Here : TelegramScraper

Secondly, this tool is only recommended for Termux users. Termux is an Android app that allows you to run Linux commands on your phone without rooting it. You can install Python, Git and other packages on Termux and use them as if you were on a Linux terminal.

Thirdly, you need to have a valid API ID and API hash from Telegram to use this tool. These are credentials that allow you to access the Telegram API and interact with their servers. You can get them by creating an app on

In this article, we will show you how to install and use TelegramScraper v1.4 on Termux step by step. We will also answer some frequently asked questions about this tool at the end of the article.

How to Install TelegramScraper v1.4 on Termux

To install TelegramScraper v1.4 on Termux, follow these steps:

1- Open Termux app on your phone.

2- Type `pkg install git python -y` and press enter. This will install Git and Python packages on Termux.

3- Type `git clone` and press enter. This will clone the GitHub repository of TelegramScraper v1.4 into your Termux home directory.

4- Type `cd TelegramScraper` and press enter. This will change your current directory to the cloned repository.

5- Type `chmod +x * && python3` and press enter. This will make all the files executable and run the setup script.

6- The setup script will ask you for your API ID and API hash from Telegram (you can get them from Enter them when prompted.

7- The setup script will also ask you for your phone number that is registered with Telegram (including country code). Enter it when prompted.

8- The setup script will send a verification code to your phone via SMS or Telegram app (depending on your settings). Enter it when prompted.

9- The setup script will create a session file named `session.session` in the same directory as the file.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed TelegramScraper v1.4 on Termux.

How to Use TelegramScraper v1.4

To use TelegramScraper v1.4, follow these steps:

Step 1: Generate User Data

To generate user data from any group, follow these steps:

1- Open Termux app on your phone.

2- Type `cd ~/TelegramScraper` (or wherever you cloned the repository) and press enter.

3- Type `python3` (or whatever name you gave it) and press enter.

4- The scraper script will ask you for the username or ID of the target group (the group from which you want to scrape users). Enter it when prompted (for example @examplegroup).

5- The scraper script will start scraping user data from the target group (this may take some time depending on the size of the group).

6- The scraper script will save all the scraped user data as a CSV file named `members.csv` (or whatever name you gave it) in the same directory as the file.

You have successfully generated user data from any group using Telegram

Step 2: Send Bulk SMS to User Data

To send bulk SMS messages to the user data you generated, follow these steps:

1- Open Termux app on your phone.

2- Type `cd ~/TelegramScraper` (or wherever you cloned the repository) and press enter.

3- Type `python3 members.csv` (or whatever name you gave it) and press enter.

4- The smsbot script will ask you for the message you want to send to the scraped users. Enter it when prompted (for example "Hi, join our awesome group @examplegroup").

5- The smsbot script will start sending SMS messages to all the users in the CSV file (this may take some time depending on the number of users).

You have successfully sent bulk SMS messages to user data using TelegramScraper v1.4.

Step 3: Add Users to Your Group

To add users to your own group, follow these steps:

1- Open Termux app on your phone.

2- Type `cd ~/TelegramScraper` (or wherever you cloned the repository) and press enter.

3- Type `python3` or `python3 members.csv` (or whatever name you gave it) and press enter.

4- The adder script or the add2group script will ask you for the username or ID of your own group (the group where you want to add users). Enter it when prompted (for example @mygroup).

5- The adder script or the add2group script will start adding users from the CSV file to your own group (this may take some time depending on the number of users).

You have successfully added users to your own group using TelegramScraper v1.4.

Frequently Asked Questions about TelegramScraper v1.4

Here are some common questions and answers about TelegramScraper v1.4:

Q: What is the difference between and

A: Both scripts can be used to add users from a CSV file to your own group, but they have different methods. The script uses a single account (the one you used for setup) to add users one by one, while the script uses multiple accounts (the ones you scraped from other groups) to add users in batches.

Q: How many users can I scrape or add with TelegramScraper v1.4?

A: There is no limit on how many users you can scrape or add with TelegramScraper v1.4, but there are some factors that may affect your results, such as:

1- The size of the target group or your own group

2- The speed of your internet connection

3- The performance of your phone

4- The availability of Telegram servers

5- The rate limits imposed by Telegram

Q: Is TelegramScraper v1.4 safe and legal?

A: TelegramScraper v1.4 is safe and legal as long as you use it for educational purposes only and not for spamming or harassing other users. You could be banned from Telegram if you abuse this tool or violate their terms of service. So be careful and use it responsibly.


In this article, we have shown you how to use TelegramScraper v1.4, a powerful tool that can help you get free members to your Telegram group by scraping user data from any group and adding them to your own group in minutes.

We have also answered some frequently asked questions about this tool and its features.

If you want to learn more about this tool or get support from its developer, you can join their Telegram group at

We hope this article was helpful and informative for you.

If you liked this article, please share it with your friends and colleagues who might benefit from it.

Thank you for reading!

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