This is why you don't wear pajamas while working from home

It seems that wearing pajamas while working from home is another reason for poor mental health during the Corona period, so think twice before wearing your pajamas to work tomorrow.

In the interest of employee safety and in an effort to reduce the spread of the Corona virus, most companies and various employment agencies around the world have begun to adopt the method of working from home , which makes the majority feel a kind of comfort and safety at first, but was this really the best option for human mental health in the long run? According to the latest studies, the answer may be no. 

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In a recent study conducted by Australian scientists, it was found that working from home in pajamas may have a significant negative impact on mental health, as it was found that more than 59% of the people surveyed who wore pajamas while working from home for at least one working day per week. They stated that they had a significant decline in mental health.  

While it is still too early to directly link wearing pajamas while working from home with mental health and knowing which one may be the cause of the other, the study authors stated that the findings of this study may help shed light on the potential impact of the clothes we wear on health. Mental.  

No, working from home in your pajamas does not reduce productivity

Although wearing pajamas while working from home may indeed have a negative impact on mental health, its effect on productivity may not be real, as the same study mentioned above showed that wearing pajamas while working from home does not negatively affect productivity except for people who have children at home. 

It is worth noting that nearly 41% of the people surveyed stated that working from home in general has contributed to increasing their productivity. 

Tips that may help improve mental health while working from home

Here are some tips that experts recommend that you follow to improve your mental health while working from home: 

  • Drink enough water daily, as this may help nourish the body and strengthen its immunity .
  • Set a daily work schedule and stick to it as much as possible.
  • Going out for a daily walk in the neighborhood.
  • Chat with friends or family members and share how you feel and what's going on with you on a daily basis.
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