The secrets of writing an SEO-friendly article in Blogger

Article SEO is considered one of the most important factors for ranking in search engines, as the search engine recognizes the content of this article and thus shows it to the visitor in the search engine. The SEO that is applied to the article page is called On Page SEO. It includes the distribution of keywords and the division of titles into sub-headings, and there are many things that we will discuss in this article, 

There are several important things to consider when writing articles on Blogger. It's not just random writing like I do now. Rather, it is an organized and thoughtful writing, and each paragraph has its place and importance. And remember that Google loves articles that interest the visitor a lot and provide him with sufficient and adequate information using simple and understandable language. In this article, we will learn about all the steps and conditions that must be followed in writing an article compatible with SEO conditions on Blogger.

How to write an article that respects the new SEO terms

 1- Search for keywords

After choosing the topic of the article, you search directly for keywords that are related to the topic. Choosing the right keywords as the word you want to be ranked with is one of the most difficult things in blogging. Because it requires a lot of research and effort. It is also preferable to choose words that have a medium to large search. You can use the Google ads website of Google. It has a tool to see the search volume for keywords on Google.

2- Choose an easy-to-learn keyword

If you have a new website, trying to write an article targeting a keyword is madness. Because there are too many factors that prevent it. Therefore, it is necessary to first target easy-to-learn keywords. How is that? You can use the keyword analysis tool from Seemrush keyword . As this site provides you with a keyword research tool, as well as the search volume and the ease of exporting this word. Of course, the site is paid, but it provides 7 words to search for for free when you create a new account on the site.

2- Write the title of the article

The title of the article makes up about 70% of the SEO of the article as a whole. If you do not choose the title carefully, your effort in the article may be in vain. Because the address is very important and it is the one that appears to the visitor in the Google search engine. The address should make anyone who sees it click on the link. We will go over how to get people to click on your article in Google search, so don't worry. But let's first talk about the basics of SEO in the article.

It puts the target keyword at the beginning of the main title and includes the most important elements that help explain the topic of the article. Sensitive words must be placed that make the person click on the link, including: tested, guaranteed, 100%, latest version, 2022, free, all of these are words that encourage clicking. When you talk about something and write in the title tested or guaranteed, this makes the visitor trust the article and click on the article to read it. Finally, do not make the title too long, not exceeding 60 characters as a maximum.

3- Writing paragraphs

Remember that Google's only concern is to make things easier for the visitor. She likes the text to be easy to read and without complicated writing. One sentence should not exceed 25 words. This is why punctuation marks are so important. When you finish any sentence, you put a point. There is an add-on on Google Chrome if you use the computer to write. This add-on can count the number of words while you are writing at the same time. Its name is Word Counter. Transitional words should also be used such as: thus, therefore, as, due to, therefore, because, and other logical conjunctions. Because it makes reading easy to understand for the visitor, and this is what Google originally wanted. Without forgetting to provide the necessary information that the visitor is looking for.

Not all your paragraphs have to be long. The best way to follow is to write short paragraphs at the beginning to make it easier for the visitor to read, and the last paragraphs to make them long paragraphs to maintain balance. An essay is ugly if it contains only short paragraphs.

There is a point that many may not know, and I will refer to it now, which is to put a simple definition of any topic you are talking about in the article. Example: When I talk about how to charge PUBG wrenches, for example, I prefer to put a simple definition of the game PUBG at the beginning, because Google may take this definition only from the topic and show it to anyone looking for a definition of the game PUBG.

4- Divide titles

At the beginning, you should include a paragraph or two. There are those who start with another title, and this is wrong. It is best to start with an introduction to the topic. Then you can put an H2 title which is smaller than the main title. h2 can be broken down into other h3 headings and so on. You can see this illustration showing how addresses are divided:

In Blogger, these titles are named as follows:
  1. H1: Main heading
  2. H2: Title
  3. H3: Subtitle
  4. H4: Secondary heading

Headings must also contain keywords targeted for ranking. In the next section, we will discuss the distribution of keywords in the article, where to put keywords in the article, and how many times the word is repeated so that it is not considered spam and the article is penalized by Google.

5- Distribution of keywords in the article

Put the keyword in the main title, preferably at the beginning of the title. You should also put the keyword you are targeting in the first paragraph of the article, i.e. in the introduction.

For titles, also put the keyword in it identically. As for the subheadings, they put words that are synonymous with the intended keyword. Remember that repeating the keyword randomly may be considered by Google as spam and penalize your site by not appearing in Google. For every 300 words, put 2 or 3 keywords as a maximum. Thus, the greater the number of words in the topic, the more keywords you add as well.

6- A dedicated description of the article

where we activated the custom description feature. This feature allows you to control the text or description that you want to show the visitor in each article on Google. In the left column on the blogger post editing interface, you will see the search description option.

In the search description, you address the visitor and show him that what you are looking for can be found in this article so that he can click on it. This is among the methods they use to get the visitor to click on the article in Google. It should also include a keyword in the description that is very, very important.

7- A dedicated link to the article

Also, don't forget to customize the link to the article. Click Permalink, then choose Custom Permalink. Blogger does not accept putting the Arabic language in the link, but you can translate the keyword and put it in the link with a tick - between the words, for example: writing-seo-article-on-blogger.

The link must also contain a keyword, even if it is translated into English, so there is no problem. It is also preferable that the link be short. Google loves short links.

8- Amending the image of the article

The image of the article should be of a small size, and it is also preferable to be in Webp format, which is faster in downloading compared to jpg and png images. For the method of converting images to webp, you can use the best sites to compress images and convert them to webp .

Before uploading the image, change its name and put the title of the article. After uploading it, click on the image, and then click on the settings icon. Then you enter the keyword in the title text as well as the alternative text. Also, you should not place the image too large in scale. Choose either a medium or a large size.

9- Examine the article in the SEO tools

After completing the writing of the article completely, we come to examine the article’s SEO and what are the things that we lack in the article to amend it. There is a very popular and completely free Seoability website for checking the seo of websites and articles. The unique thing about the site is that it gives you the ability to check the SEO of the article based on the keyword you chose.

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