How to enable gzip compression for blogger template

 Do you want to enable Gzip compression in Blogger?

By enabling Gzip compression in Blogger, you can improve your blog load time.

Page loading speed plays an important role in ranking on the search engine results page and Google also places importance on a faster loading website.

Today in this blog post we are going to tell you how to enable Gzip compression in Blogger. But first, let's understand what exactly GZip is.

What does gzip mean?

Gzip (GNU zip) is a free and open source file compression algorithm developed by the GNU Project.

Gzip is a lossless type of compression method. Other lossless compression examples include Brotli, WebP, and PNG.

What is gzip compression?

Gzip is a form of compression method to reduce the number of HTTP request size (make files smaller) and thus reduce page load time.

GZip compresses text files such as HTML, Javascript, and CSS. Not all browsers support Gzip compression but most modern browsers support Gzip. Using Gzip and caching on the client side will increase website performance.

How much compression does Gzip do?

Gzip offers a range of (1-9) compression levels. Level 1 provides the fastest compression speed while Level 9 provides the slowest compression speed.

How effective is Gzip compression?

Compressing HTML, Javascript and CSS files with Gzip saves about 50% to 80% of the file size. This means that it takes less time for your pages to load.

How to enable Gzip compression in Blogger?

Follow the steps below to enable Gzip compression in Blogger.

Download Code Gzip compression

  1. Log in to your Blogger account.
  2. Go to Appearance and click on "Modify HTML"
  3. Find the following code <!DOCTYPE html> and insert the code below just before it.
  1. Finally, click on "Save Template"

You have successfully enabled GZIP compression in Blogger.

How do I know if Gzip compression is enabled for a blogger template?

You can check if Gzip compression is enabled on your website with the help of Gzip Checker .

Don't wait for a slow page speed to affect your website's overall SEO performance. Check your website to determine if GZIP compression is enabled. If not, then follow the above guide to enable Gzip compression in Blogger. If you find any difficulties or errors in the implementation, do comment, I will love to help you.

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