Anti-Adblock Solutions – How to Combat Lost Revenue from Adblock Tools

Anti-adblock solutions allow website owners to display ads even when a user has an adblock tool enabled, helping them to recover lost revenue. Adblock tools are becoming increasingly popular among users as a way to block intrusive and annoying ads on websites. However, this convenience comes at a cost for website owners, as adblock tools prevent ads from loading and result in lost revenue.

What is adblock? 

Adblock tools, such as AdBlock and AdBlock Plus, are browser extensions or phone applications that give users the ability to block ads on websites. These tools can be installed free of charge and have grown in popularity, with 25.8% of US users having an adblocker enabled in 2019.

Why is adblock so popular?

 Adblock tools have become popular due to the rise of aggressive advertising on websites. Users are installing adblockers to avoid intrusive ads, pop-ups, and autoplay video ads with sound. Adblock improves the browsing experience by making pages load faster and reducing clutter.

How does AdBlock affect website owners?

 Adblock tools lead to lost revenue for website owners. When a user with an adblock tool enabled visits a website, adblock prevents the website from loading ads. This means the publisher is denied the opportunity to gather clicks or impressions that generate revenue. This is where anti-adblock solutions come in, such as Snigel's header bidding technology, which allows publishers to show ads even when a user has an adblock tool enabled.

What is anti-adblock? 

Anti-adblock tools are used by website owners to combat lost revenue caused by adblock tools. These tools enable ads to be displayed even when a user has an adblock tool enabled. 30.5% of the top 10k websites (as ranked by Alexa) are already using at least one anti-adblock tool.

Which anti-adblock options do publishers have?

  1. Popup requests to disable adblockers: Website owners can display a popup that asks users to whitelist the site or turn off their adblock tool. However, this strategy has limited effectiveness as 74% of American users do not comply with these requests and leave the page. Additionally, this method can disrupt the user experience and annoy users, leading to the rise of tools like Anti-Adblock Killer.

  2. Install anti-adblock scripts that confuse adblockers: These scripts confuse adblockers by disguising the advertising content as something else. This can be effective, but it can also lead to a negative user experience as ads may not be clearly marked.

  3. Get whitelisted for "acceptable ads": Publishers can apply to be part of the "acceptable ads" program, which allows certain ads to be shown to users even when adblock is enabled. This can be a good option for publishers with non-intrusive ads.

  4. Use anti-adblock technology: Solutions like Snigel's header bidding technology can help publishers to show ads even when a user has an adblock tool enabled.

  5. Premium content: Publishers can offer premium content to users who disable their adblocker. This can be a good option for sites with high-quality content.

In conclusion, while adblock tools have become popular among users as a way to block intrusive and annoying ads, they can have a negative impact on website owners' revenue. Anti-adblock solutions can help publishers to recover lost revenue, but it's important to choose the right solution that won't negatively impact the user experience.

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