Weight stability in intermittent fasting

  Does weight stability occur in intermittent fasting? Learn with us more about weight stability in intermittent fasting in this article.

The stability of weight in intermittent fasting is one of the things that must be taken into account, as the experience of intermittent fasting is a personal experience for each individual. Read with us between the lines about the stability of weight in intermittent fasting.

Weight stability in intermittent fasting 

Intermittent fasting is one of the weight loss programs that are very popular at the present time, but intermittent fasting does not give the same result for all people, as intermittent fasting focuses on the time of eating food, not on the quality of food, and there are some people who may not be suitable for the experience of intermittent fasting, especially Those with eating disorders or certain health conditions.

Studies do not indicate that weight is stable in intermittent fasting directly, but if the intermittent fasting method is adopted as a lifestyle, this helps in weight stability, just as people in ancient times ate one or two meals during the day early.

Weight stability may occur in intermittent fasting, but in general, intermittent fasting helps reduce body weight by 3-8% over a period of 3-24 weeks, and helps reduce waist circumference by approximately 4-7%.

Intermittent fasting methods 

There are many ways to do intermittent fasting, including:

  • Fasting 16 hours

It is one of the easy, flexible, and most common methods and systems, as many people use it. It depends on eating for eight hours and fasting for 16 hours, and enables people to eat vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats .

Reducing eating hours during the day helps to lose weight and lower blood pressure, and doing resistance exercises while adhering to intermittent fasting helps to reduce fat mass and maintain muscle mass.

  • The five-day system 

This type of intermittent fasting depends on eating regularly for five days a week, and in the remaining two days, the person limits the amount of calories he eats to approximately 500-600 calories only.

This system helps in losing weight and controlling the level of glucose in the blood, especially in patients with type 2 diabetes.

  • alternate day fasting 

The alternative day fasting system is to stop eating all foods for one day only, but some people prefer to eat a small amount of calories during the fast, not exceeding 500 calories during the day, and not to fast completely.

This method is effective for losing weight and maintaining a healthy heart, but it is not recommended for use by people who are new to intermittent fasting.

  • Warrior Diet 

This system is represented by fasting for a period of 20 hours during which it is allowed to eat very small meals of fruits and vegetables, then it is allowed to eat a large meal at night, and the permitted eating process usually takes only four hours.

It is difficult to comply with the instructions of this system, and it can also be dangerous. Because a person does not eat enough nutrients, such as: fiber , which negatively affects the health of the digestive system and immunity.

The benefits of intermittent fasting

In addition to weight stability in intermittent fasting, it has other benefits on body systems, including:

  1. Memory: Intermittent fasting enhances memory and thinking, and reduces the incidence of Alzheimer ’s disease .
  2. Heart: Intermittent fasting improves blood pressure and heart rate. 
  3. Diabetes and obesity: Intermittent fasting reduces weight and eliminates obesity , and controls blood sugar levels. 
  4. Muscle: Intermittent fasting helps maintain muscle mass as well as reduce fat.
  5. Tissue: Intermittent fasting maintains tissue health, which reduces tissue damage during surgery and improves results.

Tips for intermittent fasting

Some tips help make the intermittent fasting experience successful and easy, including: 

  • Select your goal

One of the goals that intermittent fasting works to achieve is to reduce weight and improve general health and metabolism .

  • Choose the appropriate fasting method

There are many methods of intermittent fasting, as people's choices differ for many reasons.

  • Know your calorie needs

As people who want to lose weight need to create a calorie deficit.

  • Plan your meals

 It is very helpful to plan meals during the day which helps to stick to calories and essential nutrients.

  • Evaluate your calories

 It is necessary to take into account the nutritional value of food, and you must eat nutrients and meals that contain a large number of nutrients per calorie.

Side effects of intermittent fasting 

Some side effects can occur at the beginning of intermittent fasting, including:

  1. Hunger and cravings to eat.
  2. Headache and dizziness.
  3. Constipation , nausea and bloating.
  4. Mood changes.
  5. Fatigue and low energy.
  6. Bad breath.

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