Weight loss is not at all costs

 The best ways to lose weight are those that combine proper diet, physical activity and psychosomatic therapy. This is the most successful formula to get the best results.

It has become customary today, in the Western world, to measure overweight or obesity through the body mass index known as BMI , which is the result of dividing (dividing) the weight (in kilograms) by the square of the person's height (in metres). It is considered overweight when the BMI value is between 25 to 30, while the definition of the condition becomes “obese” when the BMI value is more than 30.

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Over the past decades, the phenomenon of excess weight has reached epidemic proportions in Western countries, and the great danger here lies in the fact that excess weight is the basis from which serious chronic diseases arise, such as diabetes , high blood pressure , heart disease , and even malignant diseases.

Based on the growing awareness of the potential significant damage as a result of this phenomenon, weight loss methods and treatment methods (protocols) have been devised and developed, mainly based on following a specific diet and exercising. Rather, the treatment was often based on surgical intervention, which solved the problem of obese people only temporarily and temporarily, because most of these methods and protocols ignore the psychological aspect of overeating.

It has become clear today, to all those receiving treatment for obesity and overweight, that the best ways to lose weight include, in addition to proper nutrition and physical activity, addressing the psychological, mental and behavioral aspects.

People who are overweight or obese often tend to eat an amount of food that exceeds their need, considering that the eating obsession compensates them for dissatisfaction in life, or as a result of some trauma, or dissatisfaction with work and relationships, or even a painful experience from The past (for example, sexual harassment, where the person reacts by eating excessively and unconsciously gaining weight. This is in order to act as a deterrent to the opposite sex, and as a means of self-defense against further sexual harassment by the opposite sex).

There are many psychological projections of excess weight and obesity on the daily life of an obese person. Numerous opinion polls have shown that society views overweight people as lazy, unsuccessful, and unattractive. Which causes the society around them to reject them.

As a result of this social situation surrounding them - according to what was stated in the surveys - people who suffer from overweight and obesity find it very difficult to find work and accept it, and their wages are lower than the wages of their counterparts at work.

All these factors increase the psychological problems they face on a daily basis. Therefore, it has now become clear that the best ways to lose weight are those that include, in addition to adjusting the healthy diet and the program of sports activities, a treatment for the root of the problem represented by a combination of psychological therapy and physical therapy, in order to obtain the best desired results, and for a continuous period. 

It was stated in a scientific article published during the last year - its author tried to summarize the results of 36 scientific research that dealt with the subject of psychological intervention in the treatment of obesity and overweight - that most of the research emphasized that psychological therapeutic intervention - especially the issue of behavior modification and relaxation - in addition to modifying the followed diet And physical activities led to excellent results in reducing weight, far exceeding what led to ways to lose weight through nutrition and physical activity only. Also, the good results achieved lasted longer and there was no rapid decline.

Through psychotherapy, we try to get to the sources and roots of the nutritional problem, by combining talking with the sick person and physical activity. In this kind of therapy that combines speech and physical activity at the same time, it is easy for us to push the patient to reveal a lot of contents stored in the consciousness and in the subconscious, because the body “talks” and “remembers” traumas and experiences from the past, and leads us to the root the problem.

Our body needs and responds to touch, and psychosomatic therapy fully meets this need. For example, if a person is trying to escape from their stressful situations by overeating (that is, obsessive eating is part of the process of providing them with psychological calm), they learn through therapy how to relax and reach a state of calm and peace of mind, Without the need for external means, such as overeating.
Numerous studies prove that combining a proper diet, physical activity, and psychosomatic therapy is the most successful formula in order to obtain the best results in the treatment of obesity and overweight.

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